We know meat. Our company was founded by a master butcher and sausage maker from Germany. We understand…
From tumbles and marinades to cooked and ready to eat, we specialize in it all. Our knowledgeable staff have an in-depth understanding…
Fresh from the sea? Cold or hot smoked salmon? Fish dips or spreads? WTI will help improve quality and safety of your seafood products…
Fruit & Vegetables
The growing conditions, variety and seasonality make fruit and vegetables challenging to work with. These factors can dramatically affect…
Prepared Foods
Consumers want fresh, already prepared, or easy to prepare, foods they can eat at home or on the go. Quick, ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat options…
Sauces, Dips & Dressings
As the demand for naturally-derived, minimally processed and clean label ingredients grows, WTI will help food processors ensure a delicious…
Pet Food
Treat pets to safer, fresher, tastier and cleaner label products. Do your pets eat as well as you? More and more, pets are being treated like members of …